
The specific objective of the balloon project is to measure data relevant to the environment in the stratosphere using a balloon, appropriate measuring instruments or microcomputers and prepared experiments.

This experimental setup alone documents the correspondence to the selected horizontal goal: Environment and the fight against climate change.

These measurements raise the participants‘ awareness of environmental pollution. Our intention is to use this awareness to support the fight against climate change.

This also corresponds to the goals of civic engagement, common values ​​and participation. We assume that our participants could become active not only privately but also in NGOs, for example, through their own experiences based on self-organized and conducted studies. The descriptions given above therefore make clear the connection between political bodies, research and practical implementation in a social context.

The implementation of theoretical knowledge in professional practice (organization of a balloon project) in the context of various training occupations should be clear as a contribution to innovation in vocational training.

Regardless of the fact that cooperation within the European Union must be a necessary component of overall European cooperation, even at the relatively low level of schools, there are of course very practical advantages here. Schools as a learning system also learn from each other. In the project we have the concrete advantage that in the areas of physics, computer science and mechatronics, each represented by a partner school as sub-project leader, we can learn from each other’s expertise. But we see a very big advantage not only for the professional qualifications of our participants, but also for the development of a common European awareness that many overall results simply cannot be achieved without European cooperation. Nation-statehood is not a solution these days, because we all depend on a variety of resources and opportunities.